Adding Multilingual Support in Kotlin Android Apps

When developing Android applications, it's essential to provide a localized experience for users by supporting different languages. In this blog post, we'll explore how to add multilingual support to your Kotlin Android app. By following these steps, you can ensure that your app can be used by people from various language backgrounds. 

Step 1: Configure Project for Multilingual Support

  • Open your Android project in Android Studio.
  • Right-click on the  string.xm; file open menu list select last option "Open Translation Editor".

Step 2: Translating Strings
In the Translation Editor, you'll see a table with the default language (usually English) as the source language on the left.

  • To add a new translation language, click the "+" button at the top right corner of the editor.
  • Select the desired target language from the list of available languages.
  • The editor will display the source strings on the left and the corresponding translation fields on the right.
  • Enter the translated strings in the respective translation fields for each string resource.

Step 3: Implement Language Selection Mechanism
Create a language selection mechanism in your app, such as a language preference setting or a language selection menu.
  • When the user selects a language, store the selected language code (e.g., "en" for English, "es" for Spanish) using a shared preference or any other suitable method.
  • Create a function that updates the app's locale based on the selected language. 
Function in Kotlin look like : 


          class LanguageManager {
              companion object{
                  var getLanguage="en"
                 val languageList= arrayOf("Select Language","English","Romania","Hindi","Bengali")
              languageCodeList= arrayOf("","en","ro","hi","bn")
                  fun langugaeSet( wrapper: ContextThemeWrapper,languageCode: String) {
                      var locale=Locale(languageCode)
                      val configuration = Configuration()

              for set Language :langugaeSet(this, LanguageManager.getLanguage) 
For full code example Please click here:


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